Neue Level für Hidden Folks

Über das beste Mobile-Game »Hidden Folks« (Apple Appstore & Google Playstore) habe ich schon des öfteren geschrieben (auch wenn die Posts mit dem alten Blog untergegangen sind). Heute gibt es eine neue, gute Nachricht: ES KOMMEN NEUE LEVEL! Anbei die Pressemitteilung aus dem Discord-Channel:

Today, the team and I are super proud to announce a major update to Hidden Folks, launching on June 4th, called On Tour. The update will add 6 (!!) new music themed areas to the game, with more than 70 things to find, new mouth sounds (we even made weird music), new interactions, and plenty of new clues with mildly amusing or straight up bad jokes.

A couple months after the release of the Beach DLC / in-app purchase, we agreed that the pricing model we slid into (a base game with DLCs/iAPs) didn't feel right. After much discussion and consideration, we decided that we want to come back and unify all areas into a single 'Hidden Folks' purchase while increase the price of the game to justify the 3 years we've been working on the game since release. So in short:

  • the On Tour and Beach areas will be free for all existing players on June 4th.
  • the game's price will increase on Steam today / very soon, while on other platforms the price will bump on June 4th.

Price and business model changes are hard to communicate clearly, so if you have any questions, ask away in the chat. It took us a little detour through DLC land before we understood that a single purchase structure is a simpler value proposition, less of a technical hassle in the background, and a couple of emails by really confused customers per week less.

I hope that's clear! Now please feast on these screenshots from the On Tour areas:

© Hidden Folks
© Hidden Folks
© Hidden Folks
© Hidden Folks

Die tl;dr-Zusammenfassung:

  • 6 neue Level mit Musik-Thematik
  • mehr als 70 neue Sachen zu finden
  • Keine iAPs mehr – aber neuer Premium-Preis

Ich kann nur empfehlen jetzt noch zuzuschlagen – das Spiel ist jeden Cent wert, sofern man Wimmel-Bilder nicht aus tiefstem Herzen verabscheut!